What We Do

Help One Help All will bridge the gap in underserved communities in Sierra Leone providing easy access to formal education by building schools, providing teaching materials and support that will enable communities to teach their children. Sierra Leone is a country where approximately 25% of children between the ages of 6-11 do not attend school, and for those who are fortunate to complete a primary level of education, about 29% will fail to complete a secondary school education. The numbers only get worse in rural areas, where proximity to educational institutions grim, hence education is out of reach.

Currently, the country continues to face substantial challenges irrespective of the strides that have been made. Studies show that approximately 40% of primary school teachers are untrained. There are less textbooks and in some cases 3-4 children to share one textbook. Basic supplies are scarce such as notebooks, pens, and pencils.

>Data from: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2017 and EPDC extraction of DHS dataset 2013


Help One Help All mission is to create and provide an educational environment by building schools, providing teaching materials and support, and enabling communities to teach generations of children in places of operation.

In Sierra Leone, a large number of children have no access or opportunity to primary schools or any form of formal education.  Almost two decades since the war ended, the country still struggles to provide every child access to any form of schooling. Even though at some point the government made education compulsory for every child, the law still remains virtually impossible to enforce due to the shortage of facilities left in the wake of the war.

In 2015 about 40% of teenage pregnancy and child marriage was reported in Sierra Leone according to UNESCO institute statistics. This kind of statistic can be curtailed when we give the girl-child an opportunity to go to school. This is why Help One Help All will focus on putting learning structures in close proximity to these vulnerable children and communities.

In most of these communities especially in rural areas, their close access to learning structures are that of constructed muds and make-shift huts, which normally get destroyed during the rainy season (picture on the home page). As such, Help One Help All is determined to use modern Interlocking Clay Bricks to build a strong lasting but cheaper structures in those communities.

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